JUPITER-11 4/135

Focal length: 135mm
Mount: M39 Zenit (see last paragraph)
Aperture: F 4.0 - F 22
Min focus distance: 1.4m
Length (from flange): 80/97mm
[+ 27mm for the adapter]
Diameter: 62mm
Weight: 300gr.

Some pictures:

A7 and the lens.

Sample pictures: You may click on the sample image (except closest focus) for full resolution. The full resolution image opens in a new window, so you can keep it open for comparison. Focus is on the satellite dish in the center of the photo.

F 4.

F 8.

F 22.

Closest focus is 140cm (!) from outermost edge of the lens, F 8. Focus on the program wheel of the camera.

This old lens was sold for Zenit SLR cameras. The Zenit version can be found for moderate prices because of the compatibility problem, it's nevertheless a decent lens. Wide open it's just fine. Stopped down it's even better, a sharp lens. The lens has no close focussing capablities. Seen the other 135mm lenses. size and weight are fine. Aperture setting and aperture closing are separate, so be aware.

The M39 Zenit Mount is the same thread as ordinary M39 (Leica), but a different flange focal distance.
Please refer to the russian lens page.
